
scriptwriting Samples

Resilience E-Course


We were built to move.

In ancient times, when our ancestors faced life or death, they needed a jolt of energy to flee to safety to live another day.

This intense bout of physical activity burned off their stress hormones and released another set of hormones that restored balance.

This is fight or flight, and it's your body living in survival mode. It's for you, made by you, to keep you alive.

Excerpt from The Big Know's Resiliency course, taught by author, speaker, and resilience expert Jenny Evans.

Writer: Nate Matson. Production: Rikshaw Films. Agency & Client: The Big Know (mPulse)

Rally Youth Vaping Learning Experience


Excerpt from Rally Health's Youth Vaping Cessation course. This clip features a mix of narrative and scripted interviews. Writer: Nate Matson. Production: Rikshaw Films. Agency: The Big Know (mPulse). Client: Rally Health

Scene: Getting to know the parents

In this scene, we're introduced to two characters — parents who have no choice but to communicate with their kids about vaping. They'll be seated at a couch, chair, or a kitchen counter and will be interviewed. These interview motifs will be a recurring theme in this and subsequent videos.


Talking to Kris about pretty much anything these days is hard. Things like sex, drugs, and now — vaping… It’s been a learning process... But now we don’t have a choice, right?


(takes a deep breath)

Man, where to start? Max is a free spirit. I can’t say I’m surprised that he vapes, that he’s a vaper — gosh, what a dumb word — vape… Anyways, it’s time to get serious.

Rally Wellness Coaching Promo


For this promo, the team challenged ourselves to forgo narration and rely solely on text. Writer: Nate Matson. Animator: Paul Conigliaro. Agency: The BIg Know (mPulse). Client: Optum Health



Healthy people…

…make a healthy organization.


Three ethereal lines float onto screen. They morph into shapes and text, enhancing the messaging throughout video and providing a seamless transition between scenes.

The lines form the words “Healthy people,” following the script.

The lines turn into an EKG reading inside a heart.

Then turn into “make a healthy organization,” finishing off the sentence.

Pro Football Hall of Fame Youth Program

This promo is from the Pro Football Hall of Fame's youth leadership course. It sets up a module about working in the offseason. Writer: Nate Matson. Production: Rikshaw Films. Agency: The Big Know (mPulse). Client: Pro Football Hall of Fame


You think you’re done?

Sorry, buddy — you’r never done.

Because greatness never stops.

It’s like a train racing full speed.

If you stop, it’ll take forever to get that momentum back.

And you can’t let that happen.

Greatness. Never. Stops.

Anxiety & Depression E-Course


This video is from The Big Know's Anxiety and Depression course, featuring renowned meditation and mental health expert, Elisha Goldstein, PhD. Writer: Nate Matson. Production: Rikshaw Films. Client: The Big Know (mPulse)



To wrap your head around how depression and anxiety work, it helps to think of a traffic roundabout.

Now, if you've ever used a roundabout, you know how annoying they can be.

You drive along, and then suddenly, there it is.  

And there's not much you can do. You can try to prepare, but when you're in, you're in.

And it shouldn't be a big deal, right? All you have to do is merge-oops.

It's fine. You just have to-oops.

And before you know it, you're driving in circles.

The negativity loop works in a similar way.


Transition to a road. Center lines of a road diminishing on the horizon.


A roundabout comes into view.

Knuckles on the steering wheel grip.


An exit sign passes by.

Another passes by.

Cut back to Elisha for “Negativity loop works” line.